Nutrition Support Project

Shape Up! Adults

The goal of the Shape Up! Study was to identify the unique associations of body shape to body composition indices in a population that represents the variance of sex, age, BMI, and ethnicity found in the US population.

The NSSR assisted with reconfiguring Shape Up! Adults study dietary data from REDcap into Diet*Calc, computing total energy and nutrients, bioactive compounds, food groups, and HEI scores, and completed a final dietary data set with documentation

An example of a manuscript from the Shape Up! Study:

Diet quality and visceral adiposity among a multiethnic population of young, middle, and older aged adults. Panizza CE, Wong MC, Kelly N, Liu YE, Shvetsov YB, Lowe DA, Weiss EJ, Heymsfield SB, Kennedy S, Boushey CJ, Maskarinec G, Shepherd JA. Curr Dev Nutr. 2020;4(6):nazz090. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzaa090. PMID: 33959689.