Microscopy, Imaging, and Flow Cytometry

The Microscopy, Imaging, and Flow Cytometry Shared Resource was established to fulfill a critical need for Cancer Center investigators whose research involves the imaging of biological systems from gross anatomical to subcellular levels. The state-of-the-art instrumentation made available by this resource enables researchers to analyze or process their samples in a wide variety of ways, including super-resolution single molecule localization microscopy, various modes of optical sectioning, time-lapse imaging of living cell cultures, non-invasive monitoring of tumor formation in preclinical studies, and laser capture microdissection for extracting specific cells of interest from tissue samples. This resource also has two flow cytometers available to enable researches to analyze suspensions of cells for their differences in protein expression, gene expression, or cell morphology. In addition, we offer technical training to users and are responsible for maintaining the equipment through preventative maintenance services, routine calibrations, upgrades, and repairs. It is our continuing mission to facilitate the use of the current instruments and pursue the acquisition of new instrumentation in accordance with the needs of the Cancer Center researchers. For more information about the facility's current instrumentation and software, view our list of imaging equipment. For information on instrument availability, reservations, and rates, please contact the faculty director.

View our list of Microscopy, Imaging, and Flow Cytometry Imaging Equipment

What you can do in the MIFC Core:  image, process, learn