Holly B. Fontenot, PhD, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAAN
Associate Member, Population Sciences in the Pacific Program (Cancer Prevention in the Pacific), University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center
Academic Appointment(s):
Professor, School of Nursing, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Director of Research, School of Nursing, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Frances A. Matsuda Chair in Women's Health, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
PhD, Nursing Science, Boston College
MS, Nursing, Boston College
Fellowship, Nursing; Health Equity Research, University of Pennsylvania
2022 - Invited Expert Contributor; Federal Cervical Cancer Collaborative: National Organizations, Associations, and Academics Roundtable
2022 - Invited Member, UnityTM Consortium
2019-2021 - Nurse Expert, American Cancer Society HPV Vaccine Adolescents Against Cancer Program
2020 - Member, CDC, ACIP Adult/Child Combined Immunization Workgroup
2020 - Invited Expert Contributor; President’s Cancer Panel Series
Research Focus
Dr. Fontenot has explored attitudes and beliefs about behaviors related to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among young adult populations and parents. In particular, she has focused on uncovering barriers to care and innovative ways to facilitate care to reduce vaccine disparities among sexual minority groups. Dr. Fontenot has also developed and tested novel interventions to increase HPV vaccine uptake and assessed the impact of culturally informed and affirming health delivery on health behaviors/vaccine acceptance. Dr. Fontenot explored aspects of effective provider vaccine communication/recommendation and parents’ perceptions of HPV vaccine communication. Her work has explored the importance of team-based vaccine communication strategies and strategies to overcome missed opportunities to vaccinate. A strong focus for Dr. Fontenot has been the HPV vaccine ‘catch-up’ population. It is important to understand and target vaccinations for those who have missed the opportunity as a child, and during a time when health care decision making was increasingly independent from parents. Recently, she has explored provider practice patterns, including barriers and facilitators, to adherence to up-to-date evidenced-based cervical cancer screening and management guidelines. This work has also included both provider and patient perspectives related to HPV self-swab testing. Fontenot has expertise in online and app-based recruitment and research methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative studies. She found online qualitative methods (asynchronous and synchronous-text based discussions) to produce robust data, and to be acceptable and highly effective in engaging hard-to-reach, marginalized, and diverse populations, as well as busy professionals and adolescent populations.
Selected Publications
Fontenot, HB, White, BP, Rosenberger, JG, Lacasse, H, Rutirasiri, C, Mayer, KH, & Zimet, G. (2020). Mobile Application Strategy to Facilitate Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Pilot Intervention Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research; 22(11), e22878. PMID: 33769536; PMCID: PMC8083705.
Fontenot, HB, Rosenberger, J, McNair, K, Stupinsky, N, Mayer, K, & Zimet, G. (2019). Preferences and perspectives for a mobile health tool designed to facilitate HPV vaccination among YMSM. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. PMID: 30625049; PMCID: PMC6746522.
Apaydin, K, Fontenot, HB, Multani, A, Shtasel, D, Mayer, K, Keuroghlian, A. (2018). Primary care provider practices and perceptions regarding HPV vaccination and anal HPV screening at a Boston community health center. Journal of Community Health; 43, 792-801. PMID: 29480339; PMCID: PMC6033675.
Fontenot HB, Kornides ML, McRee AL, Gilkey MB. (2018). Importance of a team approach to recommending the human papillomavirus vaccination. J Am Assoc Nurse Pract; 30, 368-372. PMID: 29979294; PMCID: PMC6135237.
Fontenot, HB, Fantasia, H, Vetters, R, Zimet, G. (2016). Increasing HPV vaccination and eliminating barriers: recommendations from young men who have sex with men. Vaccine; 34, 6209-6216. PMID: 27838067.
Fontenot, HB, Domush, V, Zimet, G. (2015). Parental attitudes and beliefs regarding the nine-valent HPV vaccine. Journal of Adolescent Health; 57, 595-600. PMID: 26592327.
Publication list via MyNCBI
Active Grants
H. Fontenot, Site PI; Wilson/Garney, MPI
DHHS; Office of Population Affairs
"Comprehensive Healthcare for Adolescents Initiative"
7/1/2021 – 6/30/2023
H. Fontenot, PI
Merck Investigator Studies Programs Award
"An investigation of the influence of social media on parents’ confidence in, and hesitancy about, adolescent vaccination."
10/1/2021 – 9/30/2023
H. Fontenot, Co-PI; Vadaparampil/Perkins, MPI
American Cancer Society, Research Scholar Grant
"Cervical cancer: Provider response and options for guidelines related to screening strategies."
7/1/2019 – 6/30/2023
H. Fontenot, Co-PI; Allen/Fontenot, MPI
Tufts University Springboard Grant & Matsuda Funding
"HPV vaccine attitudes and beliefs among adult patients (26-45 years)"
6/1/2020 – 5/30/2023
H. Fontenot, Co-PI; Fontenot/Mattheus, MPI
HMSA Award
"Implementing a school-based immunization program to improve vaccination rates for school aged children on the island of Hawaiʻi"
3/1/2021 – 7/30/2023